Matthew 1:18-25
This Christmas season, I have been reflecting on the nativity
story reading through the various Gospels. Mary and Joseph were ordinary people
like you and me, yet God revealed Himself to and through them in extraordinary
ways. Something in all of us longs to see the Divine break through the mundane,
the ordinary eclipsed by the extraordinary. In those moments, the glory
transcends the grime and we see the world with different eyes. Eyes of faith. By
faith we have believed what we cannot see just as Mary and Joseph, and
glimpses of glory remind us that we live and breathe and have our being for
something eternal. That eternal hope is what gives our lives meaning and
purpose here on this temporal, sin-soiled earth. That hope is what fuels our
endurance and bids us to take courage and stand strong through the storms of
Have you lost your way?
Have you let the demands of this life crowd out or cloud your purpose? Does
auto-pilot feel more comfortable than the risk of hope? Maybe sudden news
has you reeling and you are considering your options, and none of them are what
you wanted? Perhaps life has thrown you a curveball you could not possibly have
seen coming? A discovery, and not one you considered positive. If so, Scripture
says you are not alone. In Matthew 1:18 he shares, "The birth of Jesus
Christ came about this way: After his mother Mary had been engaged to
Joseph, it was discovered before they came together that she
was pregnant ..." Wait what! Talk about a curveball! Mary was pregnant
with the Savior of the entire world and oh yeah, she hadn't known a man. Sure!
Right! While everyone was discovering what they must have
thought was rather scandalous news, Mary knew what Gabriel had told her...but
the people who were discovering her pregnancy, not so much.
Here she was following God to the tee and at the same time possibly the center of some
pretty character-shredding gossip. And yes, this all happened after she told
God "may it be as You have said."
Then there was Joseph. He was
definitely considering his options and none of them were good ones. We learn in
Matthew 1:19-20 that "he had decided to divorce her (Mary) secretly. But
after he had considered these things, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a
dream, saying, 'Joseph son of David, don't be afraid to take Mary as your wife,
because what has been conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit." Joseph
was in a tough place. What an encouragement it is to know that God knew what
Joseph was considering and not only did He know, He intervened. God knows our
hearts and our thoughts. He knows the tough decisions we are walking out in
front of a world that may not have a clue what we are dealing with in our lives
or what our obedience costs us personally. When push came to shove, Mary and
Joseph obeyed God and willingly embraced His plan. What an inspiration.
God had a plan. Mary and Joseph obeyed and God sent His only Son,
Jesus to save the world. The angel told Joseph "what has been conceived in
her (Mary) is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are
to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
(Matthew 1:20-21) In the same way today, the Holy Spirit conceives the ideas of
God in the hearts and lives of willing and obedient followers. And just as Mary
gave birth to the Divine, God births his extraordinary plans in and through
those who seek and follow Him with all their hearts.