Spiritual Heritage
"I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, and the God of Jacob." Exodus 3:6
"Taking personal ownership of our spiritual lineage-both in what we receive and what we pass down-is titanic in this Scriptural journey." Beth Moore
I can't tell you that the words of Scripture jump off the page and grab my heart every day. However, there are days when that absolutely does happen and those days make all the other days worth the search. God met me so personally in the thick of Bible Study on day two of this week. My husband had sent a text to me that morning about his studies of Abraham. I was reminded how Abraham was called by God to get up and go (not even knowing where he was going). How he obeyed and dwelled in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow heirs of the same promise. Then, later I was reading in our Entrusted Study where Beth had us envision standing in our spiritual family tree in heaven and how the whole thing would've begun with Abraham. At that moment I was overcome with how I too, as a believer, was included in God's lineage! Romans 11:17 reveals that when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we too are grafted into the family of God. One of the reasons this word meant so much to me was the timing of when I encountered it. In the throws of empty-nest shock, ( I use the word shock because our children, who were already both basically out of the house, were still geographically very close and always have been close to us until this last summer, where in one week one moved across the country and the other out of the states ) God reminded me of my spiritual heritage. At the same time, He reminded me through the unfolding story of Paul and Timothy (who he loved like a son) that we are able to make spiritual sons and daughters. Even though I wont be extending our family tree through physical birth, I can be a spiritual mother raising daughters in the faith till the day I die. Something is happening to me even as I connect with you in this women's Bible study. God has met me in unexpected emotional places. I imagine that He very much did the same in Paul's life as he fostered Timothy through the ups and downs of ministry. All this reminds me that being connected, and fostering relationships is worth the risk and effort they demand.
Dear "Entrusted" study gals,
Thank you so much for being adventurous and being willing to make the mass exodus from the sanctuary to the student ministries room last week! Thank you Pastor Aaron for letting us use your room and Pastor Cameron for all you did to make things work! This week we will be back to our more comfortable table set up which better allows for small group discussion. Thanks for hanging with me! I pray that God is encouraging you personally as you study this week and look forward to hearing how He has been working in your lives!
Below are a few questions we didn't get too last week. Feel free to chime in on one or all of them.
Also! Remember to post any questions you have here as you study this week!!!
Video Discussion Questions
1.What could be the consequences of not
respecting and valuing the gifts God has given you?
2.What would it look like this week for you to
highly and favorably value the gospel through your attitudes and actions?
3.What does it look like when you honor God with
your gifts (or what do you think it looks like)?