I was out for a mid-morning jog the other day. Taking it slow, taking in the beauty of the lake, the ducks nestled in the grass, the wind rustling through thousands of tree leaves exposing their paler green side, the over-cast sky and the interrupted still surface of the lake giving evidence of a fresh, gentle rainfall. As I rounded the lake, a bright blue van drove by with a business advertised on the side of it in capital letters. It read, "RECLAIM". I smiled as I read the word. It's a good word. A positive word. I think of things that can be reclaimed. Reclaimed wood brings old dingy furniture to vibrant new life and elongates the life cycle and purpose of a piece. In movies, kings reclaim their thrones and return nations to their former glory. Lost luggage can be reclaimed, and what woman isn’t happy to get her luggage back? Yep, it's a good word. The prefix "re" implies you get a second chance and "claim" means to own or take back. Before we can take something back though, we must go through something not so great...loss. My mind starts generating a new list. Things you can lose: your job, your health, your temper, your sanity/mind, your marriage, your home, your convictions, your innocence, your purity, your parents, your children, your security, your purpose, your joy, your peace. your identity. There is a lot to be lost.

Later on in the day I was watching Living Proof with Beth Moore and there was that word again. Beth spoke of Isaac's right to access his father's wells and our divine right as Christians to reclaim all that belongs to us in Christ.  It's a fight that's worth fighting. In Christ, we are complete. (Colossians 2:10) In Christ, we are made alive, freed from sin and the cravings of our flesh, and freed up to do good works that God prepared in advance for us to do. We have something better than an earthly reason to get out of bed. We have a Divine purpose. In Christ, we are not objects of wrath, but of mercy. In Christ, we are at peace with God and He "is" our peace. In Christ, we are seated in the heavenly realms and share every spiritual blessing with Him. (Ephesians 2:1-10) In Christ, we are victorious and have access to the power and wisdom of God for every problem. (Psalm 20:6, James 1:5) Beloved, it is ours to own and know to the core of our being that when Jesus Christ died on the cross he reclaimed all that you and I could ever lose.    

What have you lost? What is that thing that you thought you could never get back? That thing that you vowed you would never allow yourself to hope for again rather than risk the emotional exposure and crushing disappointment. It keeps you in shallows, safe but far away from the riches found in the deep well of full surrender. Christ died for you to have an abundant and full life and that life is found when you move past the shallows and have the courage to align your hopes with the promises of God. It takes courage. It takes faith to believe as Abraham did against all hope. Find His promises concerning what you have lost and cling to them with all your heart. Position your heart with what is true in heaven till God meets you with His truth here on earth. We've forgotten what is ours in Christ and a sin fallen world needs the Hope that we have. Pick up your Bible, find His promises, stand firm and RECLAIM all that is yours in Christ.




Barbara said…
Reclaim. It's a very good word. Right up there with Redemption. And similar in promise! Thank you for this inspiring, well-written post.

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