“Whatever you do…”


       You know the rest…, “do it to the glory of God.” I had the privilege of attending the Timothy Barnabas conference  (a pastors and wives conference ) in Scottsdale, AZ this week. I was encouraged in so many ways! The environment and food were both truly amazing. The arid heat, palm trees and Saguaro cacti were such an interesting contrast to Washington’s tall pine trees, rivers and mild climate. I love it all, because it reminds me that God is creative and boundless. I was encouraged to spend time with others in ministry and hear their stories.  I was encouraged through Christian entertainment and the environment itself gave me license to just have fun and enjoy God, and my husband. I heard inspiring testimonies from other leaders in ministry, both men and women. It meant so much to me that God was using others in His body and that people like Johnny Hunt and his wife Janet were so purposeful about encouraging the likes of me.  We were given several gifts during the conference and I have decided that my spiritual gift is definitely receiving:) My cup is full and I look forward to when and how it spills out.  Maybe a little “spillage” is happening here…
       Kathy Litton spoke of the importance of the sacred influence we pastors’ wives have on our husbands. I was reminded what a gift and a responsibility it is to be given the power of influence. Kathy shared that influence is a hard concept to describe, but we know it when we see it.  We observe the positive power of influence when a losing team becomes a winning team after a season with a new coach, when a struggling student with behavior problems overcomes learning barriers and becomes well adjusted thanks to a persistent teacher, or when a church becomes healthy, joins God on mission and preaches the gospel boldly following the leadership of their pastor.
       Kathy’s message about influence along with some opening words from Janet Hunt doubly blessed me. Janet shared at the beginning of the conference all the things she has NOT done as a pastors wife. For example, she does not sing , speak or write books. You get the idea. At the end of her lists of “nots” Janet shared her heart to encourage and that she knew how to throw a party. Indeed. She put together an AMAZING event that greatly encouraged me as a pastor wife in not one, but many ways. Her “influence” was obvious and deeply felt and appreciated in my life. That’s the power of influence…we can encourage and meet deep and specific needs in others when we surrender to God and use our gifts….whatever they are for Him. Whatever means “whatever”!
       On the way to the conference I had confessed to my husband that after much prayer I still wasn’t sure of all the ways  God wanted to use me in our new church.  I have worn many different hats over the years, but I am still waiting for God to direct me more specifically currently. In my quiet times God just keeps calling me to pray for His body and to love on my family and church family as He prompts. The combination of Janet and Kathy’s words reminded me that God can use my heart to encourage others in spite of all the things I can NOT do. I love how 1st Samuel 16:7  says that “man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.” God uses people whose hearts are “surrendered” to Him. There is no limit to what  God can accomplish when we are yielded to Him and His purposes. When people surrender their “whatevers” to God ,the influence can be clearly seen, deeply felt and far reaching.


Barbara said…
What an awesome and inspiring piece! I almost felt like I was at the conference with you (I wish)! I'm glad you were encouraged to be YOU as a pastor's wife, because that's exactly what God asks. Thanks for the inspiration this morning!

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