What to do With a Weak-Will?
“For among them are those who worm their way into women’s households and capture idle women burdened down with sins, led along by a variety of passions, always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 2 Timothy 3:6-7 (HCSB) I don’t know about you, but something about the description of this woman above sobers me. I’ve known those who I might consider to be idle and those who are always following a new passion, yet not passionate about the one thing that really matters in life…following Jesus. But, the part of this verse that really stops me in my tracks is “always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth”. I don’t want to be this woman! The woman who looks in the mirror of God’s word and doesn’t change a thing. The woman who doesn’t heed these words in James, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Storing up knowledge makes us spiritual hoarders rendering everything we possess worthless. The ...