Matthew 1:18-25 This Christmas season, I have been reflecting on the nativity story reading through the various Gospels. Mary and Joseph were ordinary people like you and me, yet God revealed Himself to and through them in extraordinary ways. Something in all of us longs to see the Divine break through the mundane, the ordinary eclipsed by the extraordinary. In those moments, the glory transcends the grime and we see the world with different eyes. Eyes of faith. By faith we have believed what we cannot see just as Mary and Joseph, and glimpses of glory remind us that we live and breathe and have our being for something eternal. That eternal hope is what gives our lives meaning and purpose here on this temporal, sin-soiled earth. That hope is what fuels our endurance and bids us to take courage and stand strong through the storms of life. Have you lost your way? Have you let the demands of this life crowd out or cloud your purpose? Does auto-pilot fee...