Thank You!

A big thank you to Barbara my sweet mother-in-law for helping me start and get back to my blogging! I so enjoyed getting to catch up over lunch today:) I forgot to take a picture so I am posting one I took at her house on Easter. After lunch today, she helped me get set up to blog from my new lap-top and also too edit pictures I'm posting. All the a-little-too-crunchy-lemon-bars in the world couldn't thank her enough for her tech-support. I say tech support, but for folks like me tech-support doesn't quite adequately convey the level of help I need. People talk about trouble-shooting. To me that means if there is one way to do something and 99 ways that don't work, I will find the 99 ways that don't work and around try 98 I will give up and ask for help. Then the person who is helping me will do what I couldn't accomplish in 2 hours in 3 seconds. At least I try. So thank you again for all your help today Barbara! It's good to be back!